Fame and Fungi

What I want from my glossy:

1. A ballpark reflection of my life: I cook, I watch TV, I wear clothes…..

2. People who are interesting/famous for more than their appearance/excesses.

3. Places more obscure than Paris, New York and London.

4. Articles of more than 3 paragraphs.

5. Gallery worthy photography.

I’ve discovered “Intelligent Life“. It’s cultured, insightful and accessible. I have enjoyed “Vanity Fair” before but I want something with a more global gaze (e.g. I.L. recently did an article on young women in China)

Now an awkward segue to FriedaSophie, only not that awkward as her blog is a tranquil gallery of beautiful photographs. AND SHE’S ADVERTISING ME. FOR FREE. Just scroll down and you’ll see Judah’s little face peeping up at you. I am excited, especially as I’ve done nothing to earn this, it’s just Frieda Sophie’s kindness.

I’ll end with some elderly flakey caps G snapped, one of the few edible varieties I can confidently spot.

7 thoughts on “Fame and Fungi

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